Федерација Босне и Херцеговине

Влада Федерације Босне и Херцеговине

Федерална управа цивилне заштите

Директор: Алдин Брашњић (Рјешење о привременом постављењу V. број: 605/2024 од 17.04.2024. године)

Протокол / писарница:
+ 387 33 779 467
E-mail: fucz@fucz.gov.ba

Организацијска структура

The Department is organized in sectors, as follows:

  • Cabinet of Director
  • Sector for Planning, Measures for Protection, Rescuing and Firefighting
  • Center for Training the Structures for Protection and Rescuing and Technical Affairs
  • Sector for Accounting-Financial Affairs
  • Sector for Administrative-Legal and General Affairs, Public Procurements and Warehousing
  • Sector for Legal and General Affairs
  • Inspectorate of Civil Protection
  • Sector for Organization of De-Mining and Unexploded Ordnance Disposaland Specialized Units for Protection and Rescuing
  • Operative Civil Protection Center
  • Internal Audit Unit


Organization, preparation and functioning of civil protection, monitoring of civil protection preparations with proposing and taking measures for improvement of organization and strengthening of civil protection; issuing orders for use of the units, services, headquarters and commissioners of civil protection in enforcing measures of protection and rescuing; organization and monitoring of implementation of training for citizen's self-protection; organization and coordination of protection and rescuing measures; enactment of syllabus and programs for training of civil protection structures; proposing programs for collective independent exercises and preparation of elaborates for implementation of the civil protection exercises; implementation of de-mining programs and emergency interventions for unexploded ordnance disposal, rescuing of people injured in the mine fields, drafting regulations in the field of civil protection, international cooperation in civil protection affairs; proposing the plans and researching projects in the field of civil protection and monitoring their implementation; inspection supervisory activity in the field of civil protection, etc.

Помоћник директора - руководилац кабинета:
Dalila Efendić
Tel: +387 33 779 459
Виши стручни срадник за односе са јавношћу:
Majda Kovač
Tel: +387 33 779-497
Помоћник директора у сектору за рачуноводствено-финансијске послове, јавне набавке и складиштење:
Sanita Alagić
Tel: +387 33 779-492
Помоћник директора у Сектору за правне и опште послове:
Enisa Bajrović
Tel: +387 33 779-458
Помоћник директора у центру за обуку структура заштите и спашавања и техничке послове:
Murat Baručija
Tel: +387 33 779-457
Помоћник директора у оперативном центру цивилне заштите:
Ismet Sendić
Tel: +387 33 767-454
Оперативни центар цивилне заштите:
Tel: +387 33 767-530
Tel: +387 33 767-560
Помоћник директора у Сектору за организацију деминирања и УЕС и специјализиране јединице заштите и спашавања:
Mustafa Kadribegović
Tel: +387 33 779-701
Fax: +387 33 472-999