Hamdije Čemerlića br.2
Telefon: + 387 33 66 34 24; 21 67 15
Fax: ++ 387 33 22 30 14
Organizational Structure
- Cabinet of Director
- Office for General Service’s Affairs in Mostar
- Division for Legal Affairs and Internal Guard of Buildings Used by Federal Authorities
- Department for Legal and Personnel Affairs
- oDepartment for Internal Guard of Buildings Used by Federal Authorities and Fire Protection
- Mailing Office
- Division for Housing and Property-Legal Affairs
- Department for Housing Affairs
- Department for Property-Legal Affairs
- Division for Financial-Material Affairs, Public Procurement and Warehousing of Commodities
- Department for Accounting, Financial and IT Affairs
- Department for Public Procurement Procedures, Warehousing and Keeping the Commodities Records
- Division for Investment and Current Maintenance
- Department for Maintenance of Mechanical Plants and Installations
- Department for Maintenance of Electrical Plants and Installations
- Department for Construction-Craft Works
- Department for Cleaning and Arranging the Working Premises
- Catering Services
- Department for Providing the Catering Services
- Department for Catering-Related Analyzing, Controlling and Record- Keeping
- Transportation Services
- Independent Executive – Senior Advisor for Internal Audit Affairs
Scope of Activity
This General Service performs also other tasks related to:
- Financial/financial-accounting affairs for the organs and bodies of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- Keeping the records on property disposed by the Federal bodies;
- Keeping the records and managing the movable and immovable property of the former Federal Ministry of Defense;
- Maintenance of apartments related to carrying the official duty, i.e. related to carrying certain duty;
- Investment and current maintenance of the Governmental buildings, office premises, installations, furniture, and other facilities owned by the Federal bodies;
- Maintenance of technical-IT, electronic and office equipment and appliances;
- Audio-recording of the Government sessions, transcribing, printing the written material;
- Internal guard service in the Governmental buildings at disposal of, or used by the Federal bodies, if such guard service is not organized in another manner;
- Catering services in the internal restaurants and cafes in the Governmental premises used by the Federal bodies, if such services are not organized in another manner;
- Transport service by the official vehicles, garaging, and maintaining of those vehicles, if it is not organized in another manner;
- Cleaning of the office and other premises and areas.
The Service, when necessary, performs also other designated tasks that by their nature fall under scope of the common affairs.
Basic Governing Documents
- Law on Organization of the Governance Organs in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No. 35/05).
- Law on Governance in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No. 28/97 and 26/02).
- Law on Public Service in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No. 29/03, 23/04, 39/04, 54/04, 67/05 and 8/06).
- Law on Employees in the Civil Service Organs in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No. 49/05).
- Decree on General Service Office of the Organs and Bodies of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No. 15/97, 46/06, 10/07, 17/09 and 12/14).
- • Rulebook on Internal Organization of the General Service Office of the Organs and Bodies of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 01-02-2289/12 dated 10th September 2012 and No. 01-02-2653/13 dated 21st June 2013.