Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Government of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Useful links

Tax Administration FBIH

Presidency of BiH

Parliamentary Assembly of BiH

Council of Ministers of BiH

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH

House of Representatives House of Peoples

Ministry of Interior

Ministry of Finance

Federal Ministry of Trade

Ministry of Displaced Persons and Refugees

Ministry of the Liberation War Veterans and Disabled Veterans Issues

Ministry of Education and Science

Federal Ministry of Physical Planning

Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry

Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship and Crafts

Ombudsmen of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Public Service Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Police Administration of �Federal MoI

Federal Administration of Civil Protection

Archive of the Federation of BiH

Federal Institute for Statistics

Federal Ministry Transport and Communications

Federal Ministry Labor and Social Policy

Federal Development Planning Institution

Federal Meteorological Institute

Agency for Privatization in the Federation BiH

Chamber of Commerce of the Federation BiH

Foreign Investment Promotion Agency FIPA

Council of Competition B&H

Unit for Economic Policy Planning and Implementation of BiH MTDS

BiH Medium Term Development Strategy

The Investment Bank of the Federation BiH

Court of B&H

Office of the High Representative



United Nations


International Organization for Migration


Stability Pact Summit Sarajevo 1999

CARE International

Department of Civil Aviation BHDCA
(Only English version)

Canton Sarajevo

Fund of Canton Sarajevo for Protection and Maintenance of Shaheeds and Killed Soldiers Cemeteries