Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Government of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Policy

Minister: Adnan Delić

Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Policy

Hamdije Čemerlića 2, Sarajevo
Tel: +387 33 650-685
Fax: +387 33 255-462
web site:

Minister: Adnan Delić

Organizational Structure

Adnan Delić
Telephone: +387 33 661 772
Fax: +387 33 255 462 

Secretary of the Ministry
Saida Kastrat
Telephone: +387 33 661 772 
Fax: +387 33 255 462 

Cabinet od the Minister

Head of Cabinet, Erna Ćesko
Telephone: +387 33 661 772

Fax: +387 33 255 462 

Sector for Economic, Financial and Material Affairs 
Assistant Minister, Džana Kilić 
Telephone: +387 33 714 846
Fax: +387 33 255 436

Sector for Work, Safety at Work and Employment  
Assistant Minister, Ernis Imamović
Telephone: +387 33 712-340
Fax: +387 33 255-461

Sector for Pension and Disability Insurance 
Assistant Minister, Kenan Spahić
Phone: +387 33 661-774
Fax: +387 33 661-775

Sector for Social Welfare and Welfare of the Family and Children
Assistant Minister, Miroslav Jurešić
Telephone: +387 33 255 452
Fax: +387 33 255 462 

Sector for Protection and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities and Civilian Victims of the War
Assistant Minister, Dobrica Jonjić
Telephone: +387 33 722 700
Fax: +387 33 722 701

Service for digital transformation and e-process managment

Chief od Department, 

Telephone: + 387 33 407 638

Fax: +387 33 255 461


Department for Internal Audit
Chief of Department Jasmin Gačević

Telephone: +387 33 255 440
Fax: +387 33 255 462

Scope of Activity

Administrative, expert and other tasks as laid down by the legislation related to the competencies of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the areas of:

  • social policy
  • labor and employment
  • pension and disability insurance, as follows:

labor and employment policies; labor relations and rights arising from labor relations; industrial protection/safety; pension and disability insurance, international conventions according to the BiH Constitution; agreements and bilateral covenants in area of employment; social welfare and solidarity, welfare of the civil victims of the war; family welfare, children adoption and custody; social protection and other tasks as set out by the relevant legislation. 

Basic Documents Governing the Work:

  • Law on Federal Ministries and other bodies of the Federal Administration („Official Gazette of the Federation BiH“ No. 8/95, 3/96, 9/96 and 48/99)