Director: mr Dženan Vukotić
Organizational Structure
Federal Institute for Agropedology carries out technical and other tasks falling under jurisdiction of the Federation BiH related to mapping and surveying of agricultural land; control of agricultural soil fertility; regulation of agricultural land; monitoring of contamination levels in agricultural land with pollutants (heavy metals); definition of agricultural land areas and their rational utilization; monitoring (follow-up of status of the agricultural land and of changes on and in the soil); establishment of Land Information System (LIS) and keeping the records on agricultural land; issuing of instructions for management of agricultural land resources; granting of approvals for utilization of agricultural land as well as issuance of opinions, attests and certificates for use and utilization of agricultural land; involvement in drafting and issuing of expert opinions regarding the regulations drafted by other bodies and related primarily to the agricultural land, as well as other tasks and duties as envisaged by the Law on Agricultural Land („Official Gazette of the Federation BiH“, No. 2/98) related to the expert technical institutions in the agricultural sector.