Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Government of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Federal Ministry for Issues of Combatants and Disabled veterans of the Defensive-Liberation War

Minister: Nedžad Lokmić

Federal Ministry for Issues of Combatants and Disabled veterans of the Defensive-Liberation War

Hamdije Čemerlića 2, Sarajevo
Tel: +387 33 212-932, 212-933
Fax: +387 33 222-679
web site:

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Minister: Nedžad Lokmić

Organizational Structure

Nedžad Lokmić
Alipašina 41
Phone: +387 33 212-932, 212-933
Fax: +387 33 222 679

Secretary of the Ministry
Tatjana Pejaković
Phone: +387 33 221-060

Assistant Minister for Financial and IT System Affairs
Mirza Terzo
Phone: +387 33 212-604

Assistant Minister for Legal and General Affairs
Ibrahim Ganibegović
Phone: +387 33 221-060
Fax: +387 33 221-060

Assistant Minister in the Sector for Administrative Resolution, Monitoring of the work of Medical Professionals commission and assistance in treatment:
Aida Stambolić-Grošo
Phone:+387 33 212-445
Fax: +387 33 212-445

Assistant Minister in the Sector for Records in Field of Military Service:
Martin Frančešević
Telefon: +387 33 212-440

Head of Cabinet:
Elzana Hadžialijagić
Phone: +387 33 212-602

Chief Federal Inspector
Elvir Međuseljac
Phone: +387 33 214-273
Fax: +387 33 214-273

Sector for Internal Audit:
Almina Omeragić
Azra Begagić

Scope of Activity

The Ministry carries out the administrative, expert and other tasks related to: setting out of a uniform policy and preparing of system regulations setting out the fundamental welfare-status issues of disabled veterans, families of the killed soldiers and unemployed veterans and veterans of other liberation wars and members of the liberation movements and welfare of war and peace time military disabled persons; welfare of the families of the killed, missed and deceased as well as of war and peace time deceased disabled veterans; administrative and financial supervision of implementation of the regulations in the area of the veterans’- disability protection according to the Constitution and laws; provides its positios in regard of regulations drafted by other bodies related to social status rights of those categories; ensures financial funds aimed for funding the welfare rights regulated by Federal laws and other Federal regulations; establishes manner for payment and adjusting of monthly allowances;  construction, arrangement and maintenance of the memorial cemeteries of the killed soldiers and innocent war victims; controls purposed expenditure of funds, carries out administrative-financial supervision of the Foundation for Assistance in Housing Issues of the Veterans Population; establishes cooperation with cantonal bodies, municipal services, other administration bodies, federations and associations of veterans population and keeping the mandatory records in competence of this Ministry. In cooperation with other Ministries of the FBIH Government prepares and implements the projects for employment of veteran population and launches campaigns for presentation of those projects home and abroad.

Basic Documents Governing the Activities

  • Law on Fundamental Rights of the Disabled Veterans and Families of the Killed Soldiers (“Official Gazette R BIH”, No. 2/92 and 13/94)
  • Law on Protection of the Members of the Territorial Defense and Other    Defenders of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina    (“Official Gazette R BIH”, No. 4/92 and 13/94)
  • Law on Exceptional Material Allowances for the War Disabled-Veterans of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official Gazette of R BIH”, No. 33/95, 37/95)
  • Law on Rights of Defenders and Their Families („Official Gazette of the Federation BiH No. 33/04 and 56/05)
  • Law on Special Rights of the Military Acknowledgments and Decorations Winners and their Families („Official Gazette of the Federation BiH No. 70/05 and 61/06)
  • Law on Rights of Demobilized Soldiers and their Families („Official Gazette of the Federation BiH No. 61/06)