Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Government of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs

Minister: Ramo Isak

Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs

Mehmeda Spahe 7, Sarajevo
Tel: +387 33 280-020
Fax: +387 33 590-218

web site:

Organizational Structure

Ramo Isak
Phone: +387 33 590-200 
Fax: +387 33 590-218

Secretary of the Ministry 
Elvedina Hodžić 
Phone: +387 33 590-204 
Fax: +387 33 590-218

Head of Cabinet of the Ministry
Rijalda Halilović 
Phone: +387 33 280-020 
Fax: +387 33 590-218

Federal Police Administration 
Head Office: 
Mehmeda Spahe 7 
Phone: +387 33 590-202 
Fax: +387 33 590-233 

Director of the Federal Police Administration 
Phone: +387 33 590-202 
Fax: +387 33 590-233

Deputy Director of the Federal Police Administration 
Ensad Korman 
Phone: +387 33 590-208 
Fax: +387 33 590-233

Head of Cabinet of the Federal Police Administration 
Phone: + 387 33 590-280 
Fax: +387 33 590-233

Associate for PR and Protocol Tasks in the Federal Police Administration 
Phone: +387 33 280-020 
Fax: +387 33 590-233

Head of PR Division of the Ministry 
Tajana Šaković
Phone: +387 33 280-020 ext. 3106
Fax: +387 33 280-020 ext. 3321
web site:

Assistant Minister, Head of the Sector for Legal Affairs 
Medina Đapo 
Phone: +387 33 590-209 ext. 3180 
Fax: +387 33 280-039

Assistant Minister, Director of the Police Academy
Damir Vejo 
Phone: +387 33 280-020 ext. 4100
Fax: +387 33 661-043

Chief Federal Inspector of the Inspectorate for Supervision of Agencies and Internal Services for Protection of Persons and Property and Fire Protection
Mersudin Šećerović 
Phone: +387 33 280-020 
Fax: +387 33 280-070 

Assistant Minister, Head of the Sector for Material-Financial Affairs
Jasminka Ademović 
Phone: +387 33 590-203 
Fax: +387 33 590-217

Assistant Minister, Head of the Sector for General and Common Affairs
Sadija Čuljević 
Phone: +387 33 280-020 
Fax: +387 33 590-217

Scope of Activity

  • preventing and disclosing criminal acts of the international crime and terrorism, unauthorized narcotics trafficking and organized crime and other criminal acts falling under jurisdiction of the Federation BiH;
  • tracing and capture of perpetrators of such criminal acts and their handing over to the relevant authorities;
  • providing criminological-technical expert opinions;
  • issues and publishes INTERPOL's international, Federal and inter-cantonal pursuits;
  • cooperates with relevant prosecutor's offices related to processing the criminal cases;
  • Federation’s citizenship issues;
  • providing security services to eligible persons and buildings of the Federation;
  • safeguard of human rights and civil freedoms in area of the interior affairs;
  • trade and transport of explosive substances;
  • supervises the application of the Law on Agencies and Internal Services for Security of People and Property of the Federation BiH;
  • conducts education for the rank of police officer and junior inspector, organizes and implements the courses and seminars for professional training and specialization of the police officers in the police bodies of the Federation and Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • carries out training for certification of persons carrying out security of people and property (security officer);

Internal Organization of the Ministry:

    1. Cabinet of Minister
    2. Sector for Legal Affairs
    3. Police Academy
    4. Inspectorate for Supervision of the Agencies for Protection of Persons and Property and Fire-Protection
    5. Sector for Material-Financial Affairs
    6. Sector for General and Common Affairs
    7. Internal Audit Unit

    Under the Ministry there is the Federal Police Administration.

    Internal Organization of the Federal Police Administration:

    1. Cabinet of the Director of the Police Administration
    2. Sector of Criminological Police
    3. Sector of Uniformed Police
    4. Special Police Unit
    5. Unit for Professional Standards
    6. Center for Forensics and IT Support
    7. Sector for Administration and Logistic Support
    8. Internal Audit Unit

Basic Documents Governing the Activity

    • Law on Civil Service in F BiH („Official Gazette of F BiH“, No. 29/03, 23/04, 39/04, 54/04, 67/05 8/06 and 4/12) and by-laws arising from this Law;
    • Law on Interior Affairs of FBIH („Official Gazette of F BiH“, No. 81/14) and by-laws arising from this Law;
    • Law on Employees in the Civil Service Organs in F BiH („Official Gazette of F BiH“, No. 49/05) and by-laws arising from this Law;
    • Law on Police Officers of F BiH („Official Gazette of F BiH“, No .27/05, 70/08 and 43/11) and by-laws arising from this Law;
    • Law on Organization of Administration Organs in F BiH („Official Gazette of F BiH“, No. 35/05);
    • Collective Bargaining Agreement for Employees of the Federal Ministry of Interior („Official Gazette of F BiH“, No. 44/04);
    • Rulebook on Internal Organization of FMI; No. 01-259 dated July 10, 2015;
    • Law on Citizenship of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina („Official Gazette of F BiH“, No. 29/03, 22/09 and 61/09);
    • Law on Agencies and Internal Services for Security of People and Property („Official Gazette of F BiH“, No. 78/08 and 67/13) and by-laws arising from this Law;
    • Law on Civil Status Registry of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina („Official Gazette of F BiH“, No. 37/12 and 80/14) and by-laws arising from this Law;
    • Law on Protection and Dealing with Children and Minors in the Criminal Proceedings („Official Gazette of F BiH“, No. 7/14) and by-laws arising from this Law.