Assistant Director: Nijaz Avdukić (Decision on Authorization V. number: 1772/2021 of 29.11.2021.)
Federal Institute for Development Programming carries out the researching, expert-analytical and other tasks falling under scope of the Federation and relating to: development programming, analyzing the factors and opportunities for economic development and presentation thereof in the local and international markets; drafting the strategy and program of development and drafting the measures of developing and economic policy; analyzing and programming improvements to structural relations in the business and economic development (sector – related, ownership – related, organization – related and other forms of structural relations); programming of exploitation, valorization and protection of natural resources and measures for their realization; drafting macro-economic balances, proportions and global growth aggregates; drafting the material country balances; analyzing relations in area of distribution, drafting the programs of scientific-researching activities of interest for economic development and policy; programming development of social activities in line with the economic development strategy; regional development and system of incenting thereof, as well as cooperation with the institutions addressing the development issues home and abroad.