Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Government of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Federal Ministry of Justice

Minister: Vedran Škobić

Federal Ministry of Justice

Valtera Perića 15, Sarajevo
Tel: +387 33 213-151
Fax: +387 33 213-155
web site:

Minister: Vedran Škobić

Organizational structure

Vedran Škobić
Valtera Perića 15
Phone: +387 33 21 31 51
Fax: +387 33 21 31 55

Secretary of the Ministry :
Phone: +387 33 21 31 51 lok.394
Fax: +387 33 21 31 55

Head of the Cabinet
Ivana Boban 
Phone: +387 33 21 31 52 ext. 283
Fax: +387 33 21 31 55

Assistant Minister for Judiciary Issues 
Damir Šapina
Phone: +387 33 21 63 70
Fax: +387 33 21 31 55

Assistant Minister for Administration
Phone: +387 33 21 31 51 ext. 357
Fax: +387 33 21 31 55
E-mail: -

Assistant Minister for Implementation of the Penal and Infringement Sanctions
Hidajet Trako
Phone: +387 33 20 99 52
Fax: +387 33 22 48 98

Chief Federal Administration Inspector
Željko Škarica
Phone: +387 33 21 31 51 ext. 247
Fax: +387 33 20 39 95

Director Institute for Public Administration 
Enver Išerić
Phone: +387 33 21 31 51
Fax: +387 33 66 89 56

Head of Department for General and Common Affairs 
Phone: +387 33 21 31 51, ext. 249
Fax: +387 33 21 31 55
E-mail: -

Head of Department for Financial and Accounting Affairs 
Aida Jasika
Phone: +387 33 21 31 51, ext. 246
Fax: +387 33 20 53 78


Scope of Activity

Federal Ministry of Justice executes administrative, expert and other tasks as set out by the laws, falling under competence of the Federation in the areas of:

  • judicial institutions and administration
  • administrative supervision of the judicial administration and federal administration bodies
  • associating into political organizations and citizens’ societies
  • office management
  • administrative supervision and implementation of the penal sanctions

Federal Ministry of Justice carries out the administrative tasks that do not fall under scope of any other administrative body of the Federation.

Organs under the Ministry

Institute for Public Administration carries out expert and other tasks falling into competence of the Federation and relating to:

  • establishing the internal organization of the Federal Ministries and other bodies of the Federal Administration aiming at improvement of their performance and ensuring effective management;
  • introduction of modern technical methods and means of work into administrative organs and bodies (IT and documentation systems);
  • regulation of issues related to manner in which rights and duties of the civil servants  and employees will be exercised arising from labor relations, salaries and other allowances in the by-laws of the Ministries and other bodies of administration and cooperation with relevant trade union in regard of those issues;
  • organization of professional education and training for employees;
  • building of local self-governance system;
  • building of electoral system, political-territorial organization of the Federation and drafting of appropriate regulations on those issues;
  • issuing of law-related publications;
  • development of cooperation with appropriate international organizations according to the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and local authorities and their associations regarding the issues in its competence; and
  • other tasks related to the field of public administration / governance. 

Basic Documents Governing the Work

  • Law on Federal Ministries and other Organs of the Federal Administration (“Official Gazette of the Federation BiH”, No. 19/03, 38/05, 2/06, 8/06 and 61/06)
  • Law on Organization of the Administration Bodies in the Federation BIH (“Official Gazette of the Federation BiH”, No. 35/05)