Organizational Structure

Jasna Duraković
Phone: +387 36 355 700
Fax: +387 36 355 742

Head of the Cabinet
Rifet Mezić
Phone: +387 36 355 711

Cabinet of the Minister
Phone: +387 36 355-711

Assistant Minister for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education
Nadija Bandic 
Phone: +387 36 355-712

Assistant Minister for Higher Education
Jasmin Branković
Phone: +387 36 355-702; 355-723; 355-745; 355-721 

Sector for Science and Technology 
Phone: +387 36 355-721; 355-719; 355-740; 355-716; 355-708

Chief of Financial Affairs
Ramiz Leto
Phone: +387 36 355-713 

Head of Legal and General Affairs Department
Davorka Jukić
Phone: +387 36 355-733

Scope of Activity

Federal Ministry of Education and Science performs administrative, professional and other tasks stipulated by law referring to coordination of planning and activities in the areas of: preschool, elementary school, secondary school and higher education ; pedagogical standards, standards in the area of premises, equipment and teaching aids in preschool, elementary, secondary and higher education; 
validation and equivalence of foreign school certificates and diplomas; professional education and training of the teaching staff; textbooks for elementary and secondary education; implementation of the Bologna Process; scientific and research activity on improvement of educational work; school and university students standard; development of scientific and research activities; coordination of scientific research and research and development activities; development of scientific and research organizations; fostering fundamental applied research; development of investment technologies and staff in scientific research activity; coordinating the exercise of the rights of youth in education and science and other tasks stipulated by law“.


Internal Organization of the Ministry

  • Cabinet of the Minister
  • Sector for Preschool, Elementary and Secondary School Education
  • Sector for Higher Education
  • Sector for Science and Technology
  • Service for Financial Affairs
  • Service for Legal and General Affairs


Basic Laws and By-Laws Governing the Activity of Education and Science:

  • Framework Law on Preschool Upbringing and Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Herald of BIH, No. 88/07)
  • Law on Agency for Preschool, Elementary and Secondary Education (Official Herald of BIH, No. 88/07)
  • Framework Law on Elementary and Secondary Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Herald of BIH, No. 18/03)
  • Law on Elementary School (Official Herald of SR BIH, No. 39/90 and Official Gazette of RBIH, Nos. 3/93, 24/93 and 13/94)
  • Law on Secondary School (Official Herald of SR BIH, No. 39/90) and (Official Gazette of RBIH, Nos. 3/93, 24/93, 13/94 and 33/94)
  • Law on Institutions (Official Gazette of R BIH, Nos. 6/92, 8/93 and 13/94)
  • Law on Recognition of the Level of Education Acquired Abroad by the Nationals of RBIH who were Refugees due to the State-of-War (Official Gazette of RBIH, No. 22/93)
  • Law on Evidencing (Proving) the Completed Educational Level (Official Herald of SR BIH, No. 1/83) and (Official Gazette of R BIH, No. 2/96)
  • Law on Validation and Equalization of International School Certificates (Official Herald of SR BIH, No. 7/88)
  • Law on Publishing Industry (Official Herald of SR BIH, No. 35/90) and (Official Gazette of RBIH, Nos. 3/93 and 23/93)
  • Law on Professional Titles Acquirable at the University Level Institutions (Official Herald of SR BIH, No. 14/67)
  • Law on School Inspectorate (Official Herald of SR BIH, No. 28/77 and 16/82)
  • Framework Law on Secondary Vocational Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Herald of BIH, No. 63/08)
  • Framework Law on University (Higher) Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Herald of BIH, No. 59/07)
  • Framework Law on Basics of Scientific-Researching Activity and Coordination of Internal and International Scientific-Researching Cooperation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Herald of BIH, No. 43/09)



  • Decision on Standards and Norms for Sector of Higher Education in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of FBIH, No. 40/08)
  • Rulebook on Taking Professional Examinations and Professional Specialization of Teachers, Associates, and Collaborators of the Elementary and Secondary Schools (Official Gazette of RBIH, No. 4/94 and 17/95) and (Official Gazette of FBIH, No. 23/96)
  • Rulebook on Procedure for Preparation and Publishing of the Textbooks and Other Teaching Aids for Elementary and Secondary Schools (Official Gazette of SRBIH, No. 4/91)
  • Rulebook on Manner for Keeping Records in the Registers of Diplomas Issued by the Higher Schools and Universities (Official Herald of SR BIH, No. 26/91) and (Official Gazette of RBIH, No. 17/93)