Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Government of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Federal Ministry of Physical Planning

Minister: Željko Nedić

Federal Ministry of Physical Planning

Hamdije Čemerlića 2, Sarajevo
Tel: +387 33 726-500
Fax: +387 33 652-743
web site:

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Minister: Željko Nedić

Organizational Structure:

Željko Nedić
Phone: +387 33 726-500
Fax: +387 33 652-743

Secretary of the Ministry
Josip Nikolić
Phone: +387 33 726-502
Fax: +387 33 652-743

Basic Organizational Units and Management:
Sector for Physical Planning
Assistant Minister
Hanka Mušinbegović 
Phone: +387 33 652-770

Sector for Land Utilization at the Federal Level 
Assistant Minister 
Ljuba Tadić
Phone: +387 33 652-753

Assistant Minister for Protection of National Monuments and Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Zdravko Buljeta
Phone: +387 33 652-756

Sector for Legal, General, Financial and Common Affairs
Assistant Minister
Hamid Suljović
Phone: +387 33 652-762

Scope of Activity

Federal Ministry of Physical Planning carries out the administrative, expert and other tasks falling under competence of the Federation BiH related to: physical planning and improvement; policy of land utilization at the Federal level; drafting, enforcing and applying the Physical Plan of the Federation BiH, verifies harmonization of the physical plans of the Cantons with the Physical Plan of the Federation BiH; directing a long-term development in utilization of natural resources; geologic researches; drafting of basic maps – geophysical, seismological, geothermal, minerogenetic, geochemical, geomorphological, and other; preparing geological backgrounds for physical improvements; supervision of appropriate institutions in this sector and other tasks as set out by the applicable legislation.

Basic Documents Governing the Activity

  • Law on Physical Planning and Utilization of Land at the Level of the Federation BiH – ("Official Gazette of F BiH", No.2/06)
  • Law on Takeover of the Law on Housing Relations ( “Official Gazette of FBiH”, Nos. 11/98 and 38/98)